Wednesday, December 11, 2019


This attribute value is read-only. This is a bit read-only value. August 28, , The current operational value of the Key for the protocol Partner. Count of the number of times the Partner's Mux state machine This attribute identifies an Aggregator instance among the subordinate managed objects of the containing object. ieee8023-lag-mib

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Count of the number of times the Actor's Mux state machine This bit value is read-write. The ifIndex of the port. This is a bit, read-write value.

enterasys-ieee8023-lag-mib-ext-mib.mib object view, vendor Enterasys-Networks

The current operational value of the Key for the Aggregator. The identifier value of the Aggregator that this Aggregation Port has currently selected. A table that contains Link Aggregation Control configuration information about ieee8023-,ag-mib Aggregation Port associated with this device. The complete set of ports currently associated with this Aggregator. A table that contains a list of all the ports associated with each Aggregator.

NetDiscover MIB/OID

The state of the Actor Churn Detection machine This attribute value is read-write. If the aggregation is manually configured, this System Priority value will be a value assigned by the local System.

Zero indicates that the Aggregation Port is not currently attached to an Aggregator. The state of the Partner Churn Detection machine The value of this attribute may contain the manually configured value carried in aAggPortPartnerAdminSystemPriority if there is no protocol Partner. NOTE-From the perspective of the Link Aggregation mechanisms described in Clause 43, only a single combination of Actor's System ID and System Priority are considered, and no distinction is made between the values of these parameters for an Aggregator and the port s that are associated with it; i.

A list of the Aggregator parameters.

NetDiscover MIB/OID -

The meaning of particular Key values is of local significance. A table that contains Link Aggregation debug information about every port that is associated with this device.


The current administrative value of the Key for the Aggregation Port. Zero indicates that the Aggregation Port has not selected an Aggregator, either because it is in the process of detaching from an Aggregator or because there is no suitable Aggregator available for it to select.


A collection of objects providing debug information about every aggregated port. The priority value assigned to this Aggregation Port by the Partner. The current administrative value of the Key for the Aggregator.

If the aggregation is manually configured, this Key value will be a value assigned by the local System. Count of the number of times the Partner's Mux state machine A 2-octet read-only value indicating the operational value of priority associated with the Partner's System ID.

In the absence of an active protocol Partner, this value may reflect the manually configured value aAggPortPartnerAdminState. A list of Link Aggregation Control configuration parameters for each Aggregation Port on this device.

A row appears in this table for each physical port. Ieee8023-kag-mib collection of objects providing information about every port in an aggregation.

object view, vendor Enterasys-Networks

A 6-octet read-only value carrying the individual MAC address assigned to ieee8023-oag-mib Aggregator. A human-readable text string indicating the reason for the most recent change of Mux machine state. The number of frames received that either: This may be of particular use in the configuration of equipment that has limited aggregation capability see A list of Link Aggregation Control Protocol statistics for each port on this device.

A ieee8023-lag-jib read-only value that indicates the priority value associated with the Partner's System ID.

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